Have you fallen off your New Year’s resolution bandwagon? Don’t worry, because for China and me (and let’s face it, they have the large chunk of the world’s population), the new year started this week!
Did you know that it is the Year of the Monkey? I don’t have any Chinese ancestry nor do any real knowledge of the Chinese astrological calendar but here is how I know that THIS year is going to be a life changing year. You see, a few months ago a monkey helped me change careers (which actually is fitting because I describe my life as a zoo).

2014 and half of 2015 were overwhelming for me. I was so busy and stressed that I felt paralyzed. But I finally got to the point where I was extremely motivated to make changes. The first goal I set was to start this blog by the end of the summer in 2015.
Little did I know that starting this blog would change the course of my professional life.
Because of a rough pregnancy with AG I ended up taking more time away from my professional life than I had anticipated. Although I loved what I did, it involved a lot of travel and returning to it wouldn’t allow me to have the life I wanted after having a baby.
When I started this blog, I didn’t know anything about creating websites. But with help from the good people from Go Daddy, youtube videos, and some advice from friends, I slowly figured out blogging basics. The skills I learned from setting up this blog gave me the confidence to start my own business.
After starting Political Wife Life, I saw a “Become A Social Media Manager” ad in a blogging Facebook group. It was a free webinar so I thought, “what the heck—I love social media and community building.” If I wanted to re-enter the paid workforce I knew I was going to need to be my own boss and find a career that would allow me to embrace my nomadic lifestyle and work from anywhere.
Cue Liz Benny and Social Monkey Business (see, I told you a monkey would show up). Liz really resonated with me and I loved her program and signed up for Social Monkey Business which is essentially a “how to start a social media management business” in a box.
It sounds so cheesy to say “finding Liz Benny’s course changed my life” but it is so true. If you want a really fun job where you can be your own boss, make your own hours and work from wherever there is an internet connection, click here to learn more and to read my full review of the Social Monkey business course.
I was so fortunate to find a client as soon as I completed the course. October-December were spent learning the basics of starting a business and client work. I love to do 90 day sprints of work and then schedule some down time and slower paced work. January was a scheduled downtime.
I am now one of those crazy people who loves their job and likes to tell everyone I meet how much I LOVE MY JOB.
The only downside is that I was having so much fun doing work for a client and learning how to run my own business that I didn’t make blog writing a priority. But I am back!
Embrace the Chinese new year and take advantage of fresh beginnings and a second chance at resolutions. Set a goal and work towards it. You never know where it will take you.
If omens mean anything, the year of the monkey is going to be the best one yet.
What goals are you setting for yourself? A little accountability is a good thing, so comment below and share the accomplishments your sights are set on!